Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Blog Post of the Day:
3 day weekend... how was it? Give me a good story or something funny that happened this weekend. Go.

My weekend was okay. Let's see, starting off with Friday, I went to the play in the black box theater called "A murder is announced". I went with my friend and it was really good. The actors were performing really well and it was a fun time. On Saturday, I went to the mall with my family and got a couple clothes and some necklaces so that was a good day. Sunday was a laid back day, I didn't do much because Sundays are always my lazy days... pretty boring but hey I got plenty of time to watch Netflix! On Monday, I slept in and then went to a friends house for most of the day. I then came home around dinner time and watched the thunder and blazers game. OKC won which was a great way to end my Monday night! 

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